02/08/24 Washington Press Release: Elma, WA proudly declares its commitment to honoring the esteemed legacy of the late Afghan leader, Ahmad Shah Massoud, by proclaiming September 9, 2024, as “Massoud Day.”
02/05/24 Daily Wire by Scott Mann -
t’s been more than two years since the United States abandoned its allies in Afghanistan.
1/27/24 FOX News by Chris Massaro - "I know that the Taliban will not grant Afghan women our rights, and neither will President Biden. But I know who will, and that’s Ahmad Massoud and the NRF. They are fighting for our rights at this very moment," Cannon added.
7/30/23 The Havok Journal by Erfan Choobinebehrooz - On an institutional level, a women’s council was officially launched on the 8th of March inviting a kaleidoscope of women in the NRF’s policy-making. Massoud’s team has recently founded an online platform called VETS4NRF for post-9/11 U.S veterans, facilitating interaction between now-scattered service members and veterans...
6/30/23 Washington Examiner by Beth Bailey - According to a recent report from the United Nations, the Taliban “maintain links to al-Qaida” and “ties to most regional terrorist entities.” The report names top Taliban leaders, including two provincial governors and the director of intelligence, as al-Qaida affiliates, and estimates that 400 al-Qaida fighters are operating in southern, central, and eastern Afghanistan.
6/12/23 Washington Examiner by Beth Bailey - In an interview with the Washington Examiner, Legend lauded Amnesty International’s report as “a good first step.” He believes the Taliban’s actions in Panjshir “are a clear indication that they have already lost the battle against the NRF and are now resorting to killing innocent families.”
5/24/23 The Epoch Times by John Fredricks - Westminster officials declared last week that September 9, 2023, will be proclaimed Massoud Day after Ahmad Massoud, described as the founding father of the resistance against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s and then against the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the 1990s.
5/24/23 The Havok Journal by Beth Bailey and Mikael Cook - When Mikael Cook and I were invited to a conference in Vienna hosted by National Resistance Front commander Ahmad Massoud, we were excited to hear more about the largest active resistance group currently engaging the Taliban on the battlefield.